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Longwood Gardens, April 20 2018

After a good night’s sleep at Inn at Montchanin we met J and C for breakfast at Krazy Kat’s. During the week the Inn has a great special in which they knock off $100 for your dinner and you get the breakfast for free with each night’s stay. They have a lovely breakfast menu, and we like the restaurant so we always do this. Well, not always, we have only done this for the past two years. This was the breakfast muffin basket. They were yummy of course. J and C love the smoked salmon and bagel. Don’t you hate it when eggs are boiled incorrectly and they are a little green around the yolk? It drives me crazy. I think the correct way to boil and egg is to put it in a pot of water, bring to a boil, cover and then remove it from the heat. Let it sit for 8 to 10 minutes. Perfect eggs every time. No green in the yolk!Of course I go something sweet. I think it was a little too sweet for me, but I didn’t send it back! This was French Toast. Usually I prefer a waffle to French toast, but when I saw this on the menu I decided to try it. Steve of course had an omelette. He rarely gets anything else. We were trying to decide what to do before we drove into Philadelphia. Steve and C were going to go to the Sons of Copper Beeches Sherlock Holmes meeting in the evening. J and I walk the guys to the meeting and then we have dinner together. We decided to go to Longwood Gardens again. We were thinking about going to Nemours Mansion and Gardens, but they don’t reopen until May. It was still April, so we were SOL. Shit out of luck for those who don’t know all the cool kid acronyms. The flowers are planted with such precision. No willy nilly planting’s here. They are all staged, one bed blooms and another is ready for it’s time to show it’s stuff!If we lived in Philadelphia I would want to go every weekend to see the different plantings in bloom. We can’t have tulips in our yard due to all the deer. I do love tulips, but they don’t last long. We went inside the greenhouse. Every year the arrangements are different. I think this year was year of the pink flowers. I think that the variegated plants were cool. They are probably the type that the bugs fall in the middle and drown. Who knew some plants need protein? The hanging baskets were gorgeous. They must have hundreds of gardeners on staff. Lesson of the day. Now you know how bananas grow. The alley of roses was just gorgeous. Looks like this guy comes every day to read and hang out. What do you think his back story is? Did he work here? Was he a DuPont? Did his late wife love coming here looking at flowers? Or was he just bored and looking for something to do on a Friday? Here we all are. C, J, moi and Esteban. We are looking good. It looks like I forgot to apply my lipstick though! I thought that this flower was pretty strange looking. Speaking of strange, did you know how the “carnival guess you age hustlers” actually guess your age? They look at your hands, not your faces. By the look of the wrinkles on my hand, I must be 97!

One last look at the tulip beds and we were done. This section is of experimental varieties.We ate lunch at the cafeteria. This was some kind of Chicken Cesar salad with garbanzo beans. We were a little nervous about the salad as we had heard news reports that romaine lettuce was under a massive recall due to salmonella. The chef told us we were okay, the lettuce served at Longwood was AOK. We separated from J and C after lunch. J and C were going to go antique shopping in Philadelphia. I wanted to go watch, but C would not allow me to observe. He’s coy, that one. So instead since I was still on my Hermès kick and I asked Steve to take me to the King Of Prussia mall so I could window shop. I had lots of fun looking but not touching all the stuff at Tiffany, Louis Vuitton, Cartier and Hermès. Look at these men’s sneakers at Nieman Marcus. The blue one with the buckles cost $950! I am not sure who buys these things. Athletes, drug dealers, and those who like blue shoes!

That’s enough for now.

What is your favorite flower?

Do you antique shop or do you think all old stuff is junk?

Would you pay $950 for a pair of blue sneakers?

Would someone have to pay you to wear these blue sneakers?

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